I'm always thinking about the next quilt project. One of my favorite ways to explore the possibilities is using a program called EQ5 or Electric Quilt.
I identified a quilt block that I wanted to try called Picnic Bouquet. One thing that I've determined is that the next time I use the pattern, I'll make it larger. However, this size did make a nice potholder.
I enjoy seeing the garden spiders this time of year. Here's one that's living outside our window. I work with someone that reported that when they were a kid, they called them "writing" spiders.
Here's one of my Electric Quilts:
I also tried to capture a picture of several butterflies (without any luck) over the weekend. I've been on the lookout for butterflies for several weeks now because earlier this summer, my parsley was invaded by about 1/2 dozen tiny black worms with a bright orange stripe. A couple of days later, they had turned into fat bright green and black caterpillars. Then, they disappeared. After searching online, I've decided that they were swallowtail caterpillars given their appearance in addition to the fact that their host plant was parsley. I hope that they turned out beautiful given that the only thing left of the parsley was a bunch of stems. Maybe I'll purchase some more parsley next year and capture the caterpillars on film.